Zofia Bizon, Roslyn Road, Elementary, Barrington, IL. Zofia Bison also District IV and State ILDAR winner.
Abigail Betz, Station Middle School, Barrington, IL.
Neev Patel, Prairie Campus, Barrington, IL.
Scout Storm, Station Middle School, Barrington, IL., Scout Storm also District IV Winner.
The 2020 DAR Good Citizen essay question was “Our American Heritage and Our Responsibility for Preserving with the focus question on “How do the combined actions of so many good citizens keep our nation moving forward?” The $1,000 Scholarship winner was Madeleine Lawler from Lake Zurich High School. Congratulations!
Special thanks to our teachers and Historian Lisa Davis-Youth Awards and Anne Cooke, Good Citizen Chairman who worked tireless during this pandemic era to have 45 students - 5th-8th grade essays and Good Citizen Scholarship Award winner Madeleine Lawler. Thank You!
Dear Signal Hill Daughters: Please see “Thank You” letter (below) we received from a student who is participating in the Harper College “Promise Scholarship” program. Our chapter made a donation to the Harper Education Foundation in 2020 in support of this program.
Hello Signal Hill Chapter, NSDAR,
My name is Diana, I am currently in my third semester at Harper studying accounting and I am a scholarship recipient. Having the Promise Scholarship truly means a lot to me. As a first generation student I was unsure of where to go for a college education. I assessed my options and the Promise was a tremendous motivator for choosing Harper. However, I have come to the realization that it was one of the best decisions I could have made. At Harper, I have had the opportunity to meet faculty members that genuinely care about students and want them to succeed. I’ve found a great support system at Harper and for this I will forever be thankful.
The Promise Scholarship has really alleviated so much stress and burden that the cost of college was causing me and my parents. Earning a minimum wage and having to support my sister and I, they simply could not afford a college education. When the Promise Scholarship was introduced to me as a freshman in high school I knew that it was one of my biggest opportunities in life. Thanks to the Promise I will be able to continue on to a 4 year institution with so much personal, academic, and professional growth.
Thanks to Harper and the Promise scholarship I am allowed to dream. In the future, I hope to become an accountant and become financially independent. I am passionate about accounting because one of things I value most is honesty. As an accountant I would have the opportunity to generate financial information about an entity to the highest degree of accuracy as possible. In addition, in the future I would love to learn to invest and therefore have the ability to create more financial stability for myself. I would also really like to help my parents, they have sacrificed so much for me and my sister and I would love to repay at least a fraction of everything they’ve done for us.
To the donors who have helped in founding my education, you’ve really changed my life. I remember someone once told me how the phrase “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” is incredibly inaccurate, some people just can't pull themselves up using their “bootstraps” because they don't have “bootstraps” to begin with. Your donations provide many with an opportunity to work their way up and change their life. A college education provides me with the potential to change my life not only financially, but on a personal and emotional level as well. However, without your generosity I wouldn't have been able to do it. To you I will forever be grateful.
Diana Lima
The content contained herein does not necessarily represent the position of the NSDAR. Hyperlinks to other sites are not the responsibility of the NSDAR, the state organizations, or individual DAR chapters. 5 Jan 2025
Webmaster: signalhilldar@gmail.com