On Saturday, December 18, 2021, the Barrington community and members of the Signal Hill Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution honored the more than 730 Veterans at rest at Evergreen Cemetery in Barrington.
Following brief remarks from several dignitaries, including U.S. Congressman Sean Casten, representatives from former VFW and American Legion Posts, Veterans of Lake Barrington Shores, a representative of Children of the American Revolution, and members of NSDAR, the speakers joined the attending community to place wreaths on previously identified graves throughout the cemetery.
The Signal Hill Chapter members had worked at underwriting the purchase of wreaths for this year's event by raising donations from private individuals, chapter members, and other sources, so that members of the Barrington area could participate in this national event. Nearly 200 individuals had pre-registered to attend the event, and a good percentage of that number came to honor the service and sacrifice of our nation's military members.
Wreaths Across America Day is a national event, with over 3000 participating cemeteries throughout the country. Many civic, religious or philanthropic groups gather volunteers and financial support to participate; this was the third year that Signal Hill, NSDAR sponsored and organized the event. For information about this lineage society, please visit signalhilldar.com. For more information about Wreaths Across America, please visit WreathsAcrossAmerica.org.
U. S. 6th Dist Congressman Sean Casten addresses those gathered at Evergreen Cemetery in Barrington
After gathering the WAA wreaths at Evergreen Cemetery, ribbons and wires were removed to recycled by fifteen Signal Hill members and friends assisting in the cemetery environmental cleanup on March 12, 2022. This included Donna and Tim Cardwell, Ann Wilkerson and Keith Wodarski, Linda Wichman, Lynne Backer, Deb Edlund, Jennifer Lucas Kathy Casey, 2 non-DAR friends Tricia Kraemer and Kathy Heyse, 2 Barrington High School students and Sherry Mummert of Evergreen Cemetery.
DAR members, husbands and friends cleaning up our Wreaths Across America wreaths at Evergreen Cemete
We support active American service personnel through the Daughters of the American Revolution Project Patriot Committee. The Signal Hill Chapter NSDAR collects and ships basic needs items requested by our soldiers to active service personnel in Camp Atterbury (a military and civilian training post under the auspices of the Indiana National Guard), near Edinburgh, Indiana
Shenan Constantino with Signal Hill members donations for Camp Atterbury
Huzzah to Patriot Project Chairman Shenan Constantino for planning Signal Hill Chapter’s first “National Salute Ceremony” on the 11th Hour, on the 11th Day, on the 11th Month – Veterans Day honoring the 100th Anniversary of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia. After posting of the Colors and National Anthem, remarks were made by Shenan, followed by Ringing of Handbell and 2 minutes of Silence. Colors were retired. After lunch we attended and witness the Mission BBQ Veterans Day Ceremony. Chairman Shenan collected Donations for Camp Atterbury Campaign which is located about 4 miles west of Edinburgh, Indiana, a military and civilian training post under the auspices of the Indiana National Guard. Donations will be delivered before Thanksgiving. Attending today’s event with Shenan from the Signal Hill Chapter are Regent Joyce Wright, Hodar Tim and Treasurer Donna Cardwell, 1st Vice Regent Kathy Boyle, Hodar Paul and Corresponding Secretary Susan Olund.
American Legion 771 Gurnee Honor Guard, Auxiliary, and a few members of Signal Hill Chapter, NSDAR
We collect comfort items for donation to VA hospitals and for VA Stand Down for homeless veterans; we support Honor Flight Chicago with monetary donations and Thank You notes for the veteran mail call; we are a Commemorative Partner with Vietnam War Veterans.
Active US troops are not forgotten – we assist at “No Dough” dinners through the USO for Navy personnel at Great Lakes Naval Station and contribute and assemble packages for deployed troops.
We support veterans through the Honor Flight Chicago program with monetary donations and volunteer time. Honor Flight sends veterans to Washington D.C. at no cost to them to view the memorial erected in their honor.
Commemorative Events
Signal Hill Chapter NSDAR participates in the Independence Day Parade, in Barrington. Honored veterans, our youth award winners, and several chapter members and their children and grandchildren, march alongside our decorated floats and cars.
The content contained herein does not necessarily represent the position of the NSDAR. Hyperlinks to other sites are not the responsibility of the NSDAR, the state organizations, or individual DAR chapters. 6 Sep 2024
Webmaster: signalhilldar@gmail.com