In the DAR, we not only honor our ancestors service to America – we also ‘pass it forward’ by ensuring that our current youth are informed and engaged with our proud Revolutionary War history and with the type of patriotism and service to America it inspires.
Our Signal Hill chapter follows the lead of our National Society of Daughters of the American Revolution by annually engaging the young people of the community in two programs:
And children who are descendants of a person who served our country in the American Revolution are qualified to join the Children of the American Revolution – a junior lineage society affiliated with the Daughters of the American Revolution and Sons of the American Revolution.
“The American History Essay Contest was established to encourage young people to think creatively about our nation's great history and learn about history in a new light.”
Each year our national society provides a theme and our chapter works with local schools (public and parochial) covering grades 5-8. Members of our chapter serve as judges, evaluating each essay for content, historical accuracy and writing skills. The winning essays from our chapter are then sent to District and State level contests.
“The DAR Good Citizens Award and Scholarship Contest, created in 1934, is intended to encourage and reward the qualities of good citizenship.
This award recognizes and rewards individuals who possess the qualities of dependability, service, leadership, and patriotism in their homes, schools, and communities. These students are selected by their teachers and peers because they demonstrate these qualities to an outstanding degree.”
Receiving the Good Citizen Award qualifies the student “to participate in the scholarship portion of the program. This consists of a personal statement and an essay. Student participation in the scholarship portion of the program is optional.”
While our youth programs are open to all eligible children (regardless of citizenship or lineage) the Children of the American Revolution (CAR) eligibility is available for "Any boy or girl under the age of twenty-two is eligible for membership in the National Society of the Children of the American Revolution who is lineally descended from a man or woman who, with unfailing loyalty, rendered material aid to the cause of American Independence as a soldier, sailor, civil officer, or recognized patriot in one of the several Colonies or States, or of the United States, provided that the applicant is personally acceptable to the Society." (Article III, National Bylaws).”
Thus, children whose parents take pride in their ancestor’s achievements, and more importantly, provide service to America themselves as part of their DAR (or SAR) membership, can add their children to this proud tradition, and ensure that the next generation is well educated in American history and patriotism.
Information about joining CAR is HERE. There are local chapters in Arlington Heights, Glen Ellyn, Libertyville and Woodstock as well as many others throughout the state.
DAR members of Signal Hill Chapter and sixty-five students, parents, friends, and school staff gathered at the Barrington Area Library for the chapter’s annual Youth Awards Day to celebrate the American History Essay Contest winners.
Fifth grade students read their essays about a new song written by John Phillips Sousa called, “The Stars and Stripes Forever.” This year’s first place essay was composed by Hough Street School fifth grader Sahasra Pinnamaneni. Her entry advanced to DAR Society’s Illinois District and State contests and won first place in both.
Sahasra read her winning essay at the Annual Youth Awards Day on February 10, 2024, at the Barrington Area Library. She has been invited to read his essay at the District IV meeting on March 1 in Lombard, IL and at the Illinois DAR State Conference on April 27 in Bloomington, IL.
Barrington, IL -based Signal Hill Chapter, NSDAR, has awarded Husna Zakria, a senior from Lake Zurich High School, its annual Good Citizens Award and scholarship. Husna competed in the Chapter’s Good Citizens contest and was awarded a $1,000 scholarship for her winning essay on, “Our American Heritage and Our Responsibility for Preserving It – What are the civic responsibilities of a good citizen and why are these duties, activities and behaviors important to the shaping of the America you hope to experience?”
Husna has maintained a 4.6 weighted GPA while taking 11 Advance Placement classes during high school. She is actively involved in the student council, the National Honor Society, Student Advisory Council and the INTERACT Service Club at Lake Zurich High School. She has also volunteered at the community level by helping at local food pantries and homeless shelters. Husna is interested in baking and cooking and has run her own bakery, Happy Baker, since 2020. She plans to attend an undergraduate university majoring in biology with a minor in Spanish. She plans to attend dental school and complete her residency.